Launch of publications and Awards at World Forestry Congress

ONLINE MEDIA SEMINAR „Building a green, healthy and resilient futurewith forests -How to report on the role of forests in times of crises“  was organised from 28–29 April 2022 ahead of the World Forestry Congress in Korea, with the aim to help journalists from around the world in learning and connecting with leading scientists and […]

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Poaching Madagascar’s Rare Trees

I originally published this article on, where I work as a contributor. Madagascar’s forests are beautiful but embattled. Humans arrived on Madagascar, the world’s fourth-largest island, for the first time only about 2,000 years ago. Since the arrival of humans the island, home to unique and strange wildlife, has changed radically. Giant flightless elephant […]

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Bolivian answer to REDD+

Forestry issues on COP 23 “Climate is not for sale“ During a side event last year on COP 23 in Bonn, Germany: Bolivia has presented its answer to REDD+ mechanism; “A Sustainable and Just alternative to REDD+: The Bolivian Joint Mitigation and Adaptation Mechanism“.  This mechanism promotes the integral and sustainable management of the forests, […]

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Fires are ravaging Madagascar

DROUGHT, FIRE AND CHARCOAL PRODUCTION IN ATSIMO ANDREFANA These days Madagascar is on fire. When taking the RN7 from Antananarivo to Toliara, hundreds of fires burning in the savanna that replaced the original forest can be seen. The situation on the coast is not better. On the 10th of March, 8.5 Ha of mangrove and […]

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Trillion trees project

Forestry issues on Cop 23 The new 25 -year reforestation and forest protection initiative Trillion trees was presented in WWF pavilion, PandaHub, during the COP23. The aim of this project funded by WWF, BirdLife International, and the Wildlife Conservation Society is to help end deforestation and to restore one trillion trees by 2050, a number that […]

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Guardians of the forest on a tour

“We, the indigenous peoples and local communities, are the guardians of the forest and we come to COP23 to tell our stories of hope and struggle “ The delegation of indigenous peoples and local communities from the forests of Mesoamerica, the Amazon, the Congo Basin and Southeast Asia have decided to organise a bus tour […]

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